Introduction and Summary of the contents of my Web-site:
Tisaλa zaymaft zitmusyanae, Va Ehenihv!
Happy 20th Birthday, Ehenív!
In June of this year: The Va Ehenív-speaking community lost a beloved friend and prominent member. Our hearts are truly broken because of her loss. Not only will she be fondly remembered for her work as an artist and her A New Calamity series, but also she will be missed. In loving memory of Faith April Lafazia (or Maldrea the Zora as she was sometimes credited as)
Here is a link to her most popular work on Tumblr. Help us (and everyone else's whose lives she touched) keep her memory alive. A New Calamity
Special thanks to Nauar Hantia and Elusive Female Assassin for their support and help with the language and this website! Let's not forget the father of the Vihrdas alphabet: Robert Rennie!
The original, E-he (Desert) Dialect of this language was created in 2004, but the actual web-site was not set up until about a year, later. And this language is based on the Gerudos from the Ocarina of Time-era, so it is very different from the language seen in the new game Breath of the Wild. Since the new game takes place 10,000 years after Ocarina of Time: naturally, one would expect a language to change.
I changed some things since the last major update to the language/website! I took off the accent marks on the vowels, changed the spelling of some words (the words are still pronounced the same way as they always were!), and added Me-vihrdas characters for C,Q, and X. This was done for many reasons, but partially so that if someone chose to write out these words using the official, Nintendo (Gerudo Typography) font in lieu of the font provided on this site by Mr Rennie and myself: they could easily do so.
HOWEVER: I did add the classic Latinized (and Me-Vírdas font) spellings. This was done as a tribute to Maldrea because she used the classic spelling her work. Ultimately, you can use either of the two ways of spelling.
To note: If you are going to use this language for fan-fiction
purposes: PLEASE tell me you are going to do so. Do not forget to also
give credit where it is due.
Thank-you and I wish you the best of luck with your writings!
Special Kitite (Thank yous)
I would like to give a very special thanks to fans of this site and those who just came here out of curiosity! and of course: Kitit, adila! Bi ehs sun!
Learn some of the tribe's battle cries! Click here! Includes audio examples!
Me-Vihrdas (also known as modern Gerudo)Alphabet! Me-Vihrdas Alphabet! Now includes audio clips!
English to Ehenihv Dictionary. Go here As a bonus: audio clips for pronunciation help!
Numbers and how to tell time in Ehenihv Click here!
To go to the Grammar Section Click here! I go more in depth about how Ehenihv Syntax (Sentence Structure) works! Includes audio examples!
The Gerudo Pirates of Great Bay have their own dialect of Ehenihv. For a quick run-down Click Here!
Contractions: the secret to learning how to speak fluent Ehenihv Click here!
To be even more fluent in Ehenihv: Learn about their slang and expressions! Click Here!This is a topic that is not covered in the official textbook.
Learn about Pet-names, Honorifics, Royal Titles and names of family members! page Click here! Includes audio examples!
Want to stay connected to The Ehenihv-speaking community? Or become a Movok (member) of 'The Gerudo Tribe'? (get a cool Membership Card like Link did?) Va Gehrudo Nehlivi (The Gerudo Language) Facebook Page!
If Javehsrand (Facebook) is not your thing: you can keep up with Va Ehenihv: the Language of The Gerudo Tribe's blog on Tumblr! Read about the more lingusitics aspect of the language which you cannot find in the textbook.
Available in françias, deutsch, and now español!
Report ALL broken links at E-MAIL.
Gerudo Alphabet (Me-Vihrdas) used on this web-site was created by Robert Rennie and is intended for private use only.
Va Ehenihv: The Language of The Gerudo is a work of fan-fiction and was created by Nina-Kristine Johnson in 2004. The Gerudo tribe is property of Nintendo, Shigeru Miyamoto, and Eiji Aonuma. Nintendo Ltd is not affiliated with Nina-Kristine Johnson.